🇨🇦 Up to 40% on fatbikes + 50% off pogies and insulated frame bags with the purchase of a fatbike 🇨🇦
CategoriesBuyer's Guides


With an ever-expanding range of trails, mountain biking has become a sport as exciting as it is accessible. To make the most of it, it’s important to choose the right destination and the right type of bike. There are as many models on the market as there are buyer profiles. Your level of experience and […]

CategoriesBuyer's Guides/News

Buyer’s Guide – Shopping for a Road Bike

Here is a road bike buying guide presenting the 6 elements to understand before shopping. Check out the video (french) for all the details. Attitude and habits First determine your needs based on your attitude on a bike and your habits. Ask yourself an important question: are you a recreational, athletic/recreational or athletic/performance-oriented cyclist? By […]

CategoriesBuyer's Guides

Road Buyer’s Guide

All road bikes are designed to take you swiftly over paved surfaces and beyond. If at first glance their appearance hasn’t changed much over the past 50 years, these bikes have progressed tremendously. Geometries have evolved for greater speed and comfort, and frames offer more clearance for tires, which are now wider. At the top […]


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